energy-gas > Telecom Utility Warehouse
An issue with Telecom Utility Warehouse?
Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with Telecom Utility Warehouse and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach Telecom Utility Warehouse and how to file a complaint.
Telecom Utility Warehouse telephone numbers
Customer Service | 0333 777 0777 |
How do I become a Telecom Utility Warehouse's customer?
To become a Telecom Utility Warehouse's customer you will have to ask for a quote through their website or by phone.
How do I cancel my contract with Telecom Utility Warehouse?
To cancel your contract with Telecom Utility Warehouse, it is not necessary to contact them, you just have to contact your new supplier. After you send them your meter reading, you will have your final bill within 6 weeks.
What I have to do if I want to continue with Telecom Utility Warehouse after I move?
If you would like to continue with Telecom Utility Warehouse, you have to let the company know the date when you are moving, you have to notice them at least 2 working days before you move. The process will last between 14 and 21 days.
How to contact Telecom Utility Warehouse?
To contact Telecom Utility Warehouse, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 0333 777 0777 (Customer Service)
You can also reach Telecom Utility Warehouse online through this options: