insurance > Adrian Flux
An issue with Adrian Flux?
Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with Adrian Flux and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach Adrian Flux and how to file a complaint.
Adrian Flux telephone numbers
Sales | 0800 369 8590 |
Customer Service | 0344 381 6502 |
Customer Service - Travel | 0344 381 6505 |
Customer Service - Caravan | 0344 381 6504 |
Customer Service - Motorhome | 0344 381 6507 |
Customer Service - Keycare | 0344 381 6508 |
Customer Service - Bus Conversions | 0344 381 6502 |
Customer Service - Breakdown | 0330 123 0758 |
How do I cancel my policy with Adrian Flux Insurance?
To cancel your policy you should call 0344 381 6502. Keep in mind that some cancelation fees will apply and possible refunds will depend on the policy conditions as well as the payment method.
What do I do if I have a car breakdown being assured by Adrian Flux?
If you have a car breakdown you can call 24/7 one of the following numbers: 0330 123 0758 - for UK breakdowns; 0800 032 5515 - Alternative number for UK breakdowns; 00 44 1245 408 480 - For European breakdowns; 00 33 (0) 549 348 373 - Alternative number for European breakdowns and 07860 057 893 - SMS text message service for those with hearing difficulties. You will probably be asked your name and postcode, phone number, exact location and car info.
What do I do if I have a personal claim being assured with Adrian Flux?
If you have a personal accident you should inform this to Hadleigh Claims Management no later than 31 days after the event by phone at 01279 940448 or post Claims Manager Hadleigh Claims Management Ltd , 13 Apton Road, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM23 3SP
How to contact Adrian Flux?
To contact Adrian Flux, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 0800 369 8590 (Sales ) 0344 381 6502 (Customer Service) 0344 381 6505 (Customer Service - Travel) 0344 381 6504 (Customer Service - Caravan) 0344 381 6507 (Customer Service - Motorhome) 0344 381 6508 (Customer Service - Keycare) 0344 381 6502 (Customer Service - Bus Conversions) 0330 123 0758 (Customer Service - Breakdown)
You can also reach Adrian Flux online through this options: