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An issue with

Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach and how to file a complaint. telephone numbers
Customer Service | 1 888 323 4289 |
How can I give a refund with
To give a credit card refund log in to your Merchant Interface. Click on Transaction Search / Search for a Transaction, search for the desired ID transaction and click the Refund button. You can also issue a refund by Virtual Terminal logging to the Merchant Interface, clicking on Virtual Terminal / Refund a Credit Card and type transaction ID, last four number account digits and the amount.
How can I close my account?
You can close your account by logging to your Merchant Interface, click on Live Help and a customer service operator will take care if this; or you can call 44 (0) 203 564 4844. After closing your account you will receive an account closure confirmation.
How can I delete the Custom Information Profile with
Custom Information Manager (CIM) allows you to store customer’s payment information on secured servers to simplify the payment process. To edit the information, log in to your Merchant Interface, go to Tools / Customer Information Manager / Profile ID. To delete a profile click on Delete in the Customer Information Manager menu.
How to contact
To contact, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 1 888 323 4289 (Customer Service)
You can also reach online through this options: