online-shopping > Carphone Warhouse
An issue with Carphone Warhouse?
Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with Carphone Warhouse and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach Carphone Warhouse and how to file a complaint.
Carphone Warhouse telephone numbers
Customer Service | 0370 111 6565 |
Repairs | 0800 276 1373 |
How can I return a product from Carphone Warhouse?
You can return your purchase 14 days after delivery for online purchases and 21 days for in store purchase. The item must be as new, in its original packaging, with a valid proof of purchase. Returns can be made in store or through Post. If you wish to cancel your purchase, contact Customer Service before the delivery date.
How can I get refund from Carphone Warhouse?
To obtain refund you must return the product within 14 to 28 days, depending on where you bought your product. After this, it may take up to 14 days for the product to be checked and processed. The refund will be made in the same payment method.
How to contact Carphone Warhouse?
To contact Carphone Warhouse, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 0370 111 6565 (Customer Service ) 0800 276 1373 (Repairs)
You can also reach Carphone Warhouse online through this options: