parcel-courier > Klick Couriers
An issue with Klick Couriers?
Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with Klick Couriers and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach Klick Couriers and how to file a complaint.
Klick Couriers telephone numbers
Customer Services | 02080992891 |
Klick Couriers is a parcel and courier company that originated in the United Kingdom. The company has been operational for over 10 years, and specializes in the delivery of parcels and documents to both businesses and consumers. Klick Couriers operates a nationwide network of delivery hubs, which allows them to offer a fast, efficient service to locations across the UK. They also have a comprehensive range of delivery options, including same-day and next-day delivery services. In addition to standard deliveries, Klick Couriers also offers specialist services such as express deliveries and international deliveries.
How to track your Klick Couriers parcel?
Go to this link to track your consignment. You'll need the shipping or tracking numbers.
What to do if my Klick Couriers parcel got broken or is missing?
If you have a problem with Klick Couriers contact customer service. Their maximum liability for loss or damage is £50.
How to file a complaint with Klick Couriers?
To file a complaint with Klick Couriers you have up to 14 days to send a claim in writing from the day of your shipment.
How to contact Klick Couriers?
To contact Klick Couriers, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 02080992891 (Customer Services)
You can also reach Klick Couriers online through this options: