travel > Trailfinders
An issue with Trailfinders?
Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with Trailfinders and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach Trailfinders and how to file a complaint.
Trailfinders telephone numbers
Customer Service | 020 7084 6500 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6502 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6503 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6504 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6500 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6502 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6503 |
Customer Service | 020 7084 6504 |
What do I do if I have a complaint with Trailfinders?
If you have a complaint you should first address it to your local supplier and afterwards to a Trialfinders representative by phone at 020 7084 6500 or write an email to [email protected]. You have up to 28 days from returning home to make any complaints you may have.
How can I cancel a flight with Trailfinders?
If you wish to cancel your airline ticket you must give written notice at Canary Wharf, Upper Level 1 Cabot Place, E14 4QT. Be aware that administrative fees will apply. Keep in mind that e-tickets are usually non refundable and that if the complete name in your tickets does not match with the people in the reservation, an amendment is required immediately and will have a cost.
How to contact Trailfinders?
To contact Trailfinders, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 020 7084 6500 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6502 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6503 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6504 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6500 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6502 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6503 (Customer Service) 020 7084 6504 (Customer Service)
You can also reach Trailfinders online through this options: