travel > Virgin Holidays
An issue with Virgin Holidays?
Here's a guide through people's most frequent issues with Virgin Holidays and how to sort them out. Get all the available contact options to reach Virgin Holidays and how to file a complaint.
Virgin Holidays telephone numbers
Sales | 0344 472 9646 |
Customer Service | 0344 472 1422 |
Sales | 0344 472 9646 |
Customer Service | 0344 472 1422 |
What do I do if I have a complaint with Virgin Holidays?
If you´d like to file a complaint you can get in touch with the company via mail at [email protected]; call Customer Service at 0344 472 1422 ; or write to Customer Care, Virgin Holidays Ltd. The VHQ, Fleming Way. Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9DF. Please give a thorough, detailed explanation about your complaint, keep the receipts you may have and other useful information so the investigation can be performed as quickly as possible.
When can I cancel a contract without fees with Virgin Holidays?
In certain occasions you may transfer your package to another person. This package can suffer an increase price because of an increase in specific costs such as fuel. If this increment is over 8% of the total price, you may cancel the contract. Also, you can terminate this contract and get a full refund if any of the essential elements, besides the price, changes.
What are the costs of cancelling my trip with Virgin Holidays?
You can cancel your travel by giving a written notification by post to Customer Care, Virgin Holidays Ltd. The VHQ, Fleming Way. Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9DF, or by email to [email protected]. Administrative costs will apply and depending on the amount of days in advance of this notice other costs will apply as follows: before 84 days: loss of deposit; 84 - 57 days, 30% of booking price; 56 - 37 days, 50% of total booking price; 36 - 22 days, 70% of booking price; 21 – 7 days, 90% of total booking price; less than 7 days 100% of the booking price.
How to contact Virgin Holidays?
To contact Virgin Holidays, either to file a claim, ask a questions or any other reason, you can do so by calling : 0344 472 9646 (Sales) 0344 472 1422 (Customer Service) 0344 472 9646 (Sales) 0344 472 1422 (Customer Service)
You can also reach Virgin Holidays online through this options: